起先她以偶劇形式工作,1980年七月,她參與原住民反核運動,主持了一場偶戲工作坊,並結識 Jim Ouray,之後隨Ouray遷居 Minneapolis,在 In the Heart of the Beast theatre (HOBT)工作。1981-83年之間,HOBT的主要重點便是水以及核能電廠太接近水源的問題,特別是密西西比河污染日趨嚴重的問題。
2003年她對全球水資源匱乏的危機升高以及水資源的爭奪愈形爭奪愈演愈烈感到憂心,決定再度專注於水的議題上。2003年10月在獲得了 the Archibald Bush Leadership Fellowship 獎助金後,Sandy前往英國布里斯托大學進行了一年半的碩士課程。也就是在這裡,她發現了英國著名前衛劇團WSI和藝術家David Haley重新發掘Ulverston小鎮一條埋在柏油下的河流檔案。
2005年開始,Sandy回到HOBT後,和一群藝術家合作,嘗試提升民眾對全球水資源匱乏的認知,特別是在像明尼蘇達州這樣水供應豐沛的地方。她發現了劇院大廳內飲水器失修廢棄,改賣瓶裝水給觀眾,正是一個不珍惜水資源以及環境保護的癥兆。於是展開了這項多年的計劃:Invigorate the Common Well,每年以多種形式,結合表演、工作坊等,喚起民眾對水的重視。
Upon returning to HOBT, Sandy Spieler begins work with a team of artists (Masanari Kawahara, Duane Tougas, Julie Boada) asking the question of how to build awareness of the growing global crises of water within the water-rich state of Minnesota where water is often taken for granted.
One day Spieler looks at the drinking fountain in the lobby of the theatre. The fountain wears the sign “Out of Order”. Spieler recognizes this as a sad emblem of the lack of support for “Our Public Water Commons”.
As a microcosm of a much larger situation, the theatre had not invested in the repair and maintenance of their public drinking fountain and was instead selling water in plastic bottles to their audiences. Spieler proposes the beginning of a performance series about water quality, quantity and “ownership” using the renovation of the public drinking fountain as an emblematic focus on the stewardship of our Water Commons.