Manhattan floods,
Chicago heatwaves and
withering Californian vines: how
scientists see the US in 75 years
Hard-hitting report describes how America will be affected region by region if no action is taken on climate change
Suzanne Goldenberg
guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 16 June 2009 10.47 BST
Article history
The Obama administration's long-awaited scientific report on the sweeping and life-altering consequences of a failure to act on global warming – Global climate change impacts in the United States – is released today. …
Climate change is happening 'here, now': US report
2009年6月22日 星期一
2009年6月12日 星期五
It has to be balanced, economically, and environmentally! 我之所以~~
The reason I posted the news of the Legislative Yuan passed renewable energy development statute in its third reading, is not because of the pending raise in eclectricity bill, but because of the grave concerns about the process of producing the renewable evergy.
It has to be balanced, economically, and environmentally!!!!
I'm curious about the benefits and the harm of growing bio-fuels in recession paddy fields. Who can provide an explanation?
It has to be balanced, economically, and environmentally!!!!
I'm curious about the benefits and the harm of growing bio-fuels in recession paddy fields. Who can provide an explanation?
Taiwan Legislature passes renewable energy development law 再生能源發展條例三讀 電價將漲!
再生能源發展條例三讀 電價將漲!
更新日期:2009/06/12 20:18 特約記者高玉如報導
Source from: http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/090612/35/1l690.html
Taiwan Legislature passes renewable energy development law
2009-06-12 08:03 PM
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – The Legislative Yuan today passed renewable energy development statute in its third reading, encouraging power producers with maximum power generation capacity between 6.5 million and 10 million kilowatts to apply for subsidies.
A hearing for the wholesale purchase rate of renewable energy should be held in the first year when the statute takes effect, according to the law.
The proposal of the Executive Yuan pointed out that in the wake of rise of international oil price, and Taiwan’s heavy dependence on imported energy, the development of renewable energy to cut emission of greenhouse gases demands immediate attention.
With renewable energy power production capacity from 6.5 million to 10 million kilowatts, power producers may apply for tariff exemption, tariff payment installment, and various subsidies, according to the statute.
Power producers and owners of self-use power appliance should pay for an annual fee to the renewable energy development funds for power generation other than from renewable energy, said the statute.
Ruling Kuomingtang Lawmaker Chang Shuo-wen said the passage of the statute will encourage the investment in renewable energy by power producers currently contributing to carbon dioxide emission.
Opposition Democratic Progressive Party Lawmaker Pan Meng-an told a press conference after the passage of the statute that green energy industry will be one of the pioneering sectors in Taiwan. He hoped the new law can drive up the development of the sector in Taiwan and vowed that the DPP legislative caucus would supervise the execution of the measures.
DPP Legislator Tien Chiou-jin urged the government to elevate the proportion of renewable energy power generation to ensure national energy safety while it only accounts for 8 percent by 2025, according to the plan of the Executive Yuan.
by Taiwan News, Staff Writer
Source from: http://www.etaiwannews.com/etn/news_content.php?id=975291&lang=eng_news&cate_img=83.jpg&cate_rss=news_Politics_TAIWAN
更新日期:2009/06/12 20:18 特約記者高玉如報導
Source from: http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/090612/35/1l690.html
Taiwan Legislature passes renewable energy development law
2009-06-12 08:03 PM
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – The Legislative Yuan today passed renewable energy development statute in its third reading, encouraging power producers with maximum power generation capacity between 6.5 million and 10 million kilowatts to apply for subsidies.
A hearing for the wholesale purchase rate of renewable energy should be held in the first year when the statute takes effect, according to the law.
The proposal of the Executive Yuan pointed out that in the wake of rise of international oil price, and Taiwan’s heavy dependence on imported energy, the development of renewable energy to cut emission of greenhouse gases demands immediate attention.
With renewable energy power production capacity from 6.5 million to 10 million kilowatts, power producers may apply for tariff exemption, tariff payment installment, and various subsidies, according to the statute.
Power producers and owners of self-use power appliance should pay for an annual fee to the renewable energy development funds for power generation other than from renewable energy, said the statute.
Ruling Kuomingtang Lawmaker Chang Shuo-wen said the passage of the statute will encourage the investment in renewable energy by power producers currently contributing to carbon dioxide emission.
Opposition Democratic Progressive Party Lawmaker Pan Meng-an told a press conference after the passage of the statute that green energy industry will be one of the pioneering sectors in Taiwan. He hoped the new law can drive up the development of the sector in Taiwan and vowed that the DPP legislative caucus would supervise the execution of the measures.
DPP Legislator Tien Chiou-jin urged the government to elevate the proportion of renewable energy power generation to ensure national energy safety while it only accounts for 8 percent by 2025, according to the plan of the Executive Yuan.
by Taiwan News, Staff Writer
Source from: http://www.etaiwannews.com/etn/news_content.php?id=975291&lang=eng_news&cate_img=83.jpg&cate_rss=news_Politics_TAIWAN
2009年6月9日 星期二


一群民眾組成了「高架鐵道之友會」(Friends of the High Line),積極鼓吹保存並加以整修。
經過比案,最後由建築師 Diller Scodifio + Renfro 和景觀建築師 James Corner Field Operations 得標,


photo by inhabitat
source from:
June 9, 2009
New York’s High Line Park in the Sky Opens Today! by Yuka Yoneda and Jill Fehrenbacher
Radical Nature : Art and Architecture for a Changing Planet 1969–2009
Radical Nature
Art and Architecture for a Changing Planet 1969–2009
19 June 2009 - 18 October 2009
Barbican Art Gallery
The beauty and wonder of nature have provided inspiration for artists and architects for centuries. Since the 1960s, the increasingly evident degradation of the natural world and the effects of climate change have brought a new urgency to their responses. Radical Nature is the first exhibition to bring together key figures across different generations who have created utopian works and inspiring solutions for our ever-changing planet.
Radical Nature draws on ideas that have emerged out of Land Art, environmental activism, experimental architecture and utopianism. The exhibition is designed as one fantastical landscape, with each piece introducing into the gallery space a dramatic portion of nature. Work by pioneering figures such as the architectural collective Ant Farm and visionary architect Richard Buckminster Fuller, artists Joseph Beuys, Agnes Denes, Hans Haacke and Robert Smithson are shown alongside pieces by a younger generation of practitioners including Heather and Ivan Morison, R&Sie(n), Philippe Rahm architects and Simon Starling. Radical Nature also features specially commissioned and restaged historical installations, some of which are located in the outdoor spaces around the Barbican while a satellite project by the architectural collective EXYZT is situated off site.
A fully illustrated catalogue, with a foreword by environmental campaigner and writer Jonathon Porritt, accompanies the exhibition and is available in the Art Gallery Shop on level 3 and online.
link: http://www.barbican.org.uk/artgallery/event-detail.asp?ID=8908
Art and Architecture for a Changing Planet 1969–2009
19 June 2009 - 18 October 2009
Barbican Art Gallery
The beauty and wonder of nature have provided inspiration for artists and architects for centuries. Since the 1960s, the increasingly evident degradation of the natural world and the effects of climate change have brought a new urgency to their responses. Radical Nature is the first exhibition to bring together key figures across different generations who have created utopian works and inspiring solutions for our ever-changing planet.
Radical Nature draws on ideas that have emerged out of Land Art, environmental activism, experimental architecture and utopianism. The exhibition is designed as one fantastical landscape, with each piece introducing into the gallery space a dramatic portion of nature. Work by pioneering figures such as the architectural collective Ant Farm and visionary architect Richard Buckminster Fuller, artists Joseph Beuys, Agnes Denes, Hans Haacke and Robert Smithson are shown alongside pieces by a younger generation of practitioners including Heather and Ivan Morison, R&Sie(n), Philippe Rahm architects and Simon Starling. Radical Nature also features specially commissioned and restaged historical installations, some of which are located in the outdoor spaces around the Barbican while a satellite project by the architectural collective EXYZT is situated off site.
A fully illustrated catalogue, with a foreword by environmental campaigner and writer Jonathon Porritt, accompanies the exhibition and is available in the Art Gallery Shop on level 3 and online.
link: http://www.barbican.org.uk/artgallery/event-detail.asp?ID=8908
2009年6月5日 星期五
正視大氣中不斷增加的碳濃度是直接和實際導致海洋酸化的原兇,目前的濃度足以對環境產生不良影響,並且隨著碳濃度達到450ppm (每100萬立方含微粒)和以上極可能危及重要海洋生態系統; 在聯合國氣候變化框架公約(UNFCCC)談判的範圍內,認可大氣中日益增加的二氧化碳被海洋吸收后,對人類構成直接的威脅,因此需採取行動疏緩危機; 同意降低大氣中二氧化碳是唯一減輕海洋酸化的可行解決方案;· 在聯合國氣候變化框架公約(UNFCCC)談判的範圍內,認可大氣中日益增加的二氧化碳被海洋吸收后,對人類構成直接的威脅,因此需採取行動疏緩危機; 落實減少全球碳排放量的行動,2050年前削減90年代排放量的50%以上,之後持續減少; 提振海洋酸化抵抗力,減少過度捕撈和污染等加重海洋生態系統負擔的行動。 負責聯合國氣候變化事務最高官員,聯合國氣候變化框架公約執行秘書(Yvo de Boer)布爾表示,目前所有商談的結果令人鼓舞。「幾個主要經濟論壇中,各國作出有益於達成哥本哈根協議的承諾。在應對金融危機方面,許多國家啟動的刺激方案也把綠色經濟目標納入了考量。哥本哈根會議倒數只剩200天,雖然時間很緊湊,但全球努力挽救氣候變化的腳步卻不停歇。」
link: http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/090605/109/1kprd.html
正視大氣中不斷增加的碳濃度是直接和實際導致海洋酸化的原兇,目前的濃度足以對環境產生不良影響,並且隨著碳濃度達到450ppm (每100萬立方含微粒)和以上極可能危及重要海洋生態系統; 在聯合國氣候變化框架公約(UNFCCC)談判的範圍內,認可大氣中日益增加的二氧化碳被海洋吸收后,對人類構成直接的威脅,因此需採取行動疏緩危機; 同意降低大氣中二氧化碳是唯一減輕海洋酸化的可行解決方案;· 在聯合國氣候變化框架公約(UNFCCC)談判的範圍內,認可大氣中日益增加的二氧化碳被海洋吸收后,對人類構成直接的威脅,因此需採取行動疏緩危機; 落實減少全球碳排放量的行動,2050年前削減90年代排放量的50%以上,之後持續減少; 提振海洋酸化抵抗力,減少過度捕撈和污染等加重海洋生態系統負擔的行動。 負責聯合國氣候變化事務最高官員,聯合國氣候變化框架公約執行秘書(Yvo de Boer)布爾表示,目前所有商談的結果令人鼓舞。「幾個主要經濟論壇中,各國作出有益於達成哥本哈根協議的承諾。在應對金融危機方面,許多國家啟動的刺激方案也把綠色經濟目標納入了考量。哥本哈根會議倒數只剩200天,雖然時間很緊湊,但全球努力挽救氣候變化的腳步卻不停歇。」
link: http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/090605/109/1kprd.html
(法新社巴黎5日電) 聯合國環境計畫署(UNEnvironment Programme,UNEP)今天表示,降低森林砍伐、保育泥碳地及終止不顧後果的農耕方式,或許就能有效對抗氣候變遷。
環境計畫署在6月5日「世界環境日」(WorldEnvironment Day)發表的報告指出,如能負責任地維護生態環境,就能吸納數十億噸推升溫室效應的廢氣。
環境計畫署署長史丹納(Achim Steiner)說,主要國家編列數百億經費,投資碳捕捉及儲藏技術,「但卻忽略數千年來早以廣為人所知的方法-生態系」。
link: http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/090605/19/1kqgt.html
環境計畫署在6月5日「世界環境日」(WorldEnvironment Day)發表的報告指出,如能負責任地維護生態環境,就能吸納數十億噸推升溫室效應的廢氣。
環境計畫署署長史丹納(Achim Steiner)說,主要國家編列數百億經費,投資碳捕捉及儲藏技術,「但卻忽略數千年來早以廣為人所知的方法-生態系」。
link: http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/090605/19/1kqgt.html
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